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Be part of the conversation about the future of TV in your area

In the fall we asked you to weigh in with your unique perspective, in the CRTC national consultation that will have huge implications for the future of television in Canada, including for national broadcasters such as CBC and APTN. It’s essential that media workers, citizens and audience members like you take part, and OpenMedia.ca is thankfully facilitating local events in many cities across the country.

Please become part of this nationwide conversation for a connected Canada by RSVPing for your local event today. If there isn’t an event in your area you can even step up to host one – it’s a citizen-fuelled project!

We know we can overcome the threats to the CBC and APTN, as well as other important issues like the digital divide in Canada if we work together.

That’s why OpenMedia.ca is initiating meetings in several cities to discuss how we can develop a strategy to move forward.  They’re calling it “Building a Connected Canada”.

These meetings will provide essential input into the CRTC consultation about the future of television in Canada – we want to make sure the CRTC hears from a wide range of Canadians, not just lobbyists for big private media.

You stepped up when we needed you before, and I’m hoping you’ll join a crucial event in your area on January 25.

Please sign up here.

And if you are in Vancouver on February 6, 2014, join a public dialogue about the future of CBC at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 West Hastings Street (enter via Seymour Street courtyard entrance) from 7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Thank you in advance for this and all you’ve done in the past.

Carmel Smyth,
National President, CMG
[email protected]

P.S. It’s your decision to participate that will make this public consultation truly public. Together, we can show decision-makers that Canadians won’t tolerate anything less than a collaborative, participatory future for public media and digital communications. Are you in?   

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