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A message from your CMG Bargaining Committee

Voting is now underway to ratify the new CMG/CBC Collective Agreement. It is an important decision, and there has been a lot of debate as members have been seeking to understand the tentative agreement better. We really hope you will take the time to vote.

Many members have requested more detailed information on a few specific proposals. We hope the following information assists in answering any remaining questions.

This deal represents several important gains for us.  It includes 1.5% wage increases in the first two years with a wage re-opener in the final three. The tentative agreement also includes increases in freelance rates, temporary upgrades, taxis and northern language allowance, and there is language on improved transparency in the hiring process.

Particularly noteworthy, the agreement moves more than 250 employees into newly created Band 13 Executive and Senior Producer classifications, which means their pension and other employee benefits such as life insurance will now be calculated on a higher base salary. This change puts an end to more than 25 years of disputes over the temporary nature of these positions.   The deal also preserves the wages and benefits for existing Band 13 assignment and lineup producers who will now also be classified as senior producers.

As well, we have created a new Senior Reporter classification which includes existing National Reporters but also expands the opportunity for senior reporting roles in local newsrooms.  This proposed change has resulted in many questions, and after meeting with National Reporters, and the CBC we have added a letter of clarification from CBC which will become part of the new collective agreement. This letter confirms that the assignment process for National Reporters remains as is. We trust this addresses some of the concerns raised this week. It reads as follows:


WHEREAS the CMG and CBC recently concluded negotiations for a renewal Collective Agreement;

AND WHEREAS the CMG and CBC agreed to replace the Classification of National Reporter with the new Classification of Senior Reporter;

AND WHEREAS current National Reporters are uncertain with respect to the structure and their duties and responsibilities under the new Senior Reporter Classification;

THEREFORE, the CBC, subject to its ongoing discretion to organize the workplace and job duties and responsibilities, wishes to provide clarification with respect to the new Senior Reporter Classification as follows:

1) There will be Senior Reporters who will be working under the existing “network” assignment structure inclusive of existing National Reporters and there will be Senior Reporters who will be working within the local assignment structure (current Local Reporters who are designated as Senior Reporters) as well as some National Reporters who are currently assigned locally.

2) The Assignment process remains unchanged:

(a) National Reporter positions that are currently attached to an existing MOU (Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Halifax and St. John’s) will continue working under that structure. For clarity, CBC will change the MOU to reflect the change in job title to Senior Reporter.

(b) National Reporter positions currently attached to content units in Toronto (health, business, consumer, sports, investigative) or located in Toronto and directly attached to the network assignment structure in Toronto, will continue to work under that structure.

(c) National Reporter positions currently attached to the Parliamentary Bureau in Ottawa will be assigned by the Parliamentary bureau.

(d) National Reporters currently working as Foreign Correspondents will continue to be assigned through the network assignment desk.

(e) Newly designated Senior Reporters, or existing National reporters who are currently working in the local assignment structure, will continue to work in that structure.

Dated this 27th day of January, 2014 and presented by the CBC Bargaining Committee.

It’s been an honour to work on this deal on your behalf, and we strongly believe it’s the best deal possible given the challenging political and fiscal realities we face.  Therefore, we are strongly recommending acceptance, and urge you to vote in favour.

We recognize we should have provided more detailed information regarding the changes earlier, and are committed to doing that in future. We thank you for your thoughtful input and continued support.

A reminder that you have until 9 a.m. Friday, January 31 to vote.

In solidarity,

Your bargaining committee:

Michael D’Souza
Wil Fundal
Allan Gofenko
Elaine Janes
Marianne Malo Chenard
Harry Mesh
Marc-Philippe Laurin
Dan Oldfield
Glenn Gray

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