APTN bargaining 2022 – Update

Our bargaining committee met with the Employer’s team last week and introduced some of our monetary proposals at that session. We had spent the previous meetings working through the many non-monetary items that the union proposed.

While the two sides are getting closer in a number of areas, progress on other issues, particularly alternate work arrangements, has been slower than we would have liked. We will be meeting again with the Employer’s team over the next couple of  weeks to continue discussing outstanding items.

We have carried the message to APTN’s bargaining team that CMG members want to see a fair and progressive agreement that values the work our members do and also contributes to the wellness and work-life balance that our members deserve.

Here’s just one example of the amazing work our members do:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact one of the members of the bargaining team.

CMG Bargaining Commit at APTN:
Charmaine Straker
Dennis Rondeau
Tom Fennario
Joël Tétreault, CMG Staff Representative (joel@cmg.ca)

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