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APTN-CMG Ratification vote – Polls now open

Polls are now open for CMG members working at APTN to vote on the CMG-APTN tentative agreement

To cast your vote, please go to the CMG online voting system: https://cmg.simplyvoting.com/

In order to vote, you will need your 9-digit CMG member number (Membership ID) and your password.
If you have questions, please contact Terri Monture, CMG Staff Representative, at terri@cmg.ca.

Members will vote on the following question:

Do you ratify the tentative agreement between the Canadian Media Guild and APTN?

The vote will run from today, Wednesday, April 17 at 9 p.m. CT through to Tuesday, April 23 at 5 p.m. CT. 

The results of the vote will be announced on Wednesday, April 24.

The CMG bargaining committee at APTN:

Dennis Rondeau
Dennis Ward
Bruce Spence, President, APTN Branch
Terri Monture, CMG Staff Representative
Bruce May, CMG Staff Representative

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