Home / Workplace Directory / ZoomerMedia / Call for nominations – all CMG elected positions at all levels

Call for nominations – all CMG elected positions at all levels

For the first time, the Guild is holding elections for all positions at all levels – national, branch and local – at the same time. Nominations are now open for all positions. The vote will be held on December 5-9, 2013, and the winners will start their three-year term on January 1, 2014.

To read more about the roles and responsibilities of the various positions, visit our website where we’ve set up a portal for all election-related information, including the nomination form. We’ll also be posting biographical notes on candidates, so you’ll have a better idea of the people you want to vote for.

Here are the positions that are available at the national level:

National Executive Committee:

Secretary-Treasurer (Note : this person must live within 150 km of Toronto)
Director, Francophone Issues
Director, Education
Director, Human Rights & Equity
Director, New Members
Director, Small Branches (NB: only those members in branches other than CBC/Radio-Canada or The Canadian Press are eligible to run for or vote for this position)

National Trustees:
Trustee (3 positions)

The following positions are elected by all ZoomerMedia branch members:
Vice-President, Liberty
Vice-President, Jefferson

If you’re interested in nominating someone for a position, click here to download the nomination form and instructions. The deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms is 5 p.m. (ET) Friday, October 11.

If you have any questions please write to vote@cmg.ca or contact staff representative Keith Maskell directly at keith@cmg.ca.

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