The CMG CBC Toronto Location Unit Executive Committee (LEC) has a new vacancy for the position of Director of Human Rights, Equity & Diversity and is calling for nominations. The deadline for submitting nominations is Wednesday, May 8th, at 5 p.m. EST
What does the Director for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity do?
This director helps organize and run various events and campaigns that promote Human Rights issues in our workplace. Connections made with diverse members who want to address issues surrounding equity and inclusion falls within this portfolio.
The LEC Director of Human Rights, Equity & Diversity is a voting member of the Local Executive.
The successful nominee will serve on the Executive Committee for the duration of the current term (until December 2024).
How to submit nominations
Please submit nomination forms to the Location Unit’s Election Committee — either electronically (email to Lynne Chichakian and Harmen Meinders) or drop off a paper copy to the CMG office (311 Adelaide Street East, Suite 101).
Download the nomination form here.
If there are multiple candidates, a by-election will be held.
Questions regarding the by-election process should be directed to members of the local Election Committee Lynne Chichakian and Harmen Meinders.
Toronto Location Executive Committee
CBC/Radio-Canada Branch, Canadian Media Guild
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