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Call for nominations – CWA Canada Executive

Nominations are now open for the CWA Canada Executive Committee.

The Executive is an 11-member body that governs the national union.

Nine positions are open: Treasurer (must reside in or near Ottawa), Secretary, six Officers-at-large, and one officer from an equity-seeking group.

Three of the Officers-at-large must come from CWA Canada Local 30213 (Canadian Media Guild) and at least one from a former Print Sector local.

Any CWA Canada member in good standing is eligible to run for office.

Please email nominations to our national office info@cwa-scacanada.ca by 12 p.m. ET on Wednesday, April 26.  Click here to download the nomination form – The form must be signed by the nominee, a nominator and a seconder.


Martin O’Hanlon
President, CWA Canada
The Media Union

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