The position of Director of Education/Mobilization on the CBC Branch Executive Council has fallen vacant. As per the CBC Branch bylaws, a byelection must be held to fill the position. We are now accepting nominations for the position.
The role of this position is to build knowledge of and interest in labour issues within the branch membership. The successful candidate will work with the national Director as well as other branch members and CMG staff to develop and present a training and mobilization program. A description of the other duties of the position is set out in the CBC Branch bylaws.
If you’re interested in the position, or in nominating someone, please click HERE to download a nomination form. Please read the instructions on the form carefully.
The deadline for nominations is 5 pm ET on Tuesday, September 30, 2014. Any necessary elections will be held in October.
For more information, please write to CMG staff representative Keith Maskell at [email protected].