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CMG-APTN tentative agreement – Information meeting April 17 and ratification vote

An information meeting for Canadian Media Guild (CMG) members working at APTN will be held on Wednesday, April 17 to discuss the tentative agreement our union has reached with the employer.  

The meeting will take place at Radisson Hotel in Winnipeg starting at 6 p.m. CT.  Members working outside of Winnipeg can call in to the meeting.

A light meal will be served.

Ratification vote online

From Wednesday, April 17 at 8 p.m. CT through to Tuesday, April 23 at 5 p.m. CT, CMG members at APTN will have the opportunity to vote on the tentative agreement. The vote will take place online using our electronic voting system.

You will need your 9-digit CMG member number in order to vote.

If you don’t have your CMG number or have misplaced it, please contact info@cmg.ca and it will be provided to you.

The results of the vote will be announced on Wednesday, April 24.

The CMG bargaining committee at APTN:

Dennis Rondeau
Dennis Ward
Bruce Spence, President, APTN Branch
Terri Monture, CMG Staff Representative
Bruce May, CMG Staff Representative

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