Bylaw amendment 1 (moved by Harry Mesh, seconded by Naomi Robinson) changes the wording of article 8.9 of the CMG bylaws as follows:
d) At any time prior to the expiry of the Collective Agreement or the commencement of bargaining, whichever occurs first, the Branch Executive Council will ensure that members of the bargaining unit are solicited for input into the issues to be discussed during the upcoming collective bargaining session. Such consultation will be in the form of an all-member survey and reports from membership meetings. The BEC will contact all Location Unit Presidents to advise them of the need to hold meetings to solicit bargaining issues.
e) The Bargaining Committee and at least two (2) members of the Branch Executive Council will meet with the relevant Presidents’ Council to review all survey results or other contributions acquired from pre-bargaining meetings.
f) Prior to submitting proposals or interest statements to the employer, the Bargaining Committee will meet with all Location Unit Presidents in person or by conference call to discuss the final submission.
i) Once the agreement in principle is reached the Bargaining Committee will communicate the details of the agreement in principle to the Branch Executive Council and Presidents’ Council, if one exists, at the start of the ratification process. Those bodies shall ensure that the Bargaining Committee fully informs members of the details of the agreement prior to the vote.
j) Authority for the NEC to order a strike shall be derived from a strike vote agreed to by a Bargaining Committee, provided a majority of all those voting by secret ballot support strike action. Only members in good standing may vote.
Bylaw amendment 2 (Gail Young/Gaynette Spafford) changes the title of Director of Education currently set out in article 7.2 and elsewhere:
f) One Director of Education/Mobilization, elected at large, who shall be the chairperson of the National Education Committee and shall ensure the ongoing development and administration of a national education program in accordance with the CMG’s Education and Mobilization Policies
Bylaw amendment 3 (Terry Pedwell/Marc-Philippe Laurin) adds a new clause to article 6 of the bylaws:
6.5 Locations that fall to fewer than nine members: if an existing location unit membership remains below nine (9) for any three (3) year period, its viability may be reviewed by the appropriate BEC and/or the NEC. Before any recommendation for change is made to the NEC for a change in status, there will be close consultation with the Location Unit Executive and/or membership, taking into consideration the impact of any proposed change on representation of the membership in the location.
Bylaw amendment 4 (Harry Mesh/Gaynette Spafford) changes article 10.1c):
c) No later than ten (10) days before the close of nominations the Election Committee shall call for nominations from all Location Units and Branches through the Location Unit Presidents and Branch presidents. The closing date of nominations shall be at least three (3) and no more than six (6) weeks before the election.
Bylaw amendment 5 (Don Genova/Darrell Harvey) adds a new clause under article 4:
4.X A member who is not currently paying dues as set out in this article, and is not on an authorized unpaid leave (e.g. long-term disability) shall be deemed to have lost his/her good standing. Upon recommencement of dues payment the member’s good standing shall be reinstated.
General resolution 1 (Harry Mesh/Lindsay Bird):
Be it resolved that all existing CMG members who have previously submitted signed membership application cards and do not have a membership card be provided with membership cards within 120 days after convention; and on an ongoing basis, new members be provided with membership cards within 60 days of receipt at the CMG office of a signed membership application card.
General resolution 2 (Peter Rakobowchuk/Nelson Wyatt):
Be it resolved that the Canadian Media Guild revisit the structure of the National Executive Committee.
General resolution 3 (JP Davidson/Paolo Pietropaolo):
Be it resolved that the Canadian Media Guild purchase union-made products and services, and hire/contract unionized freelance producers, creators and service providers whenever possible. If no unionized options are available, worker rights and equity are to be a key consideration in all purchasing and hiring/contracting decisions;
And be it further resolved to forward the above resolution for adoption by CWA/SCA Canada as a whole.
General resolution 4 (Maureen Brosnahan/Joyce Nicholson-Huestis):
Be it resolved that CMG create a section on the CMG website specifically for information on retirement; and that CMG initiate discussions with employers with the goal of holding retirement seminars for members who are within three years of being eligible for an unreduced pension.
General resolution 5 (Lise Lareau/Maureen Brosnahan):
Be it resolved that the 2014 convention directs bargaining committees to ensure that when a definable group is affected by potential changes in their working conditions, those employees must be informed and consulted in advance of the conclusion of bargaining.
General resolution 6 (Kam Rao/Gaetan Benoit):
Be it resolved that the delegates of CMG’s 2014 convention direct the NEC to work towards aiding the CBC branch’s three largest location units, and in particular their presidents, in the form of a financial relief package that would permit each location to afford up to one additional full-day wage replacement per week. The NEC shall work with the CBC branch to arrange such a plan, and shall implement one by no later than September 2014. The plan shall be further revisited at the next CMG convention.
General resolution 7 (Chantal Payant/Stéphanie Charbonneau):
Be it resolved that any new model for the National Executive Committee include a Francophone representative.
General resolution 8 (David Bongard/Michael Robert):
Be it resolved that at future CMG conventions, no speakers shall appear until the union’s business is complete.