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CMG members vote 80% in favour of CBC/Radio-Canada collective agreement

CMG members at CBC/Radio-Canada ratify new collective agreement 

Canadian Media Guild (CMG) members have voted 80% in favour of ratifying a new collective agreement between our union and CBC/Radio-Canada.

The  five-year collective agreement between our union and the Corporation is effective April 1, 2019 and runs until March 31, 2024.

The ratification vote was held this week, and over one thousand two-hundred (1200) CMG members at CBC/Radio-Canada cast a vote.

Nine hundred and seventy-seven (977) members voted in favour of the agreement, and two hundred and forty-one (241) voted against.

We want to thank our fellow CMG members at CBC/Radio-Canada for all the participation, support and commitment throughout the bargaining process. 

The final copy of the new collective agreement will be made available for members online and in print as quickly as possible.

The CMG bargaining committee at CBC:
Sujata Berry
Carolyn Dunn
Stéphany Laperrière
Harry Mesh
Pierre Millette
Pauline Pemik
Naomi Robinson
Jonathan Spence
Olivier Desharnais-Roy, CMG Staff Representative
Karen Wirsig, CMG Staff Representative

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