In these challenging times, as public health officials work to address a looming crisis, the union has stepped up calls on employers to ensure safe and healthy workplaces.
CMG has been in regular contact with employers urging management to adopt stronger and more flexible practices during this time, to keep workers’ health and well-being paramount.
We applaud media companies that have been proactive in allowing employees to work remotely. Others have agreed not to insist on doctors’ notes for sick days, and some have offered employees additional sick days. We particularly appreciate companies that have listened to our requests for compassion and have extended additional benefits to temporary workers. The union continues monitoring progress, working with employers and encouraging regular and detailed communications to restore worker confidence that they can work without fear of negative health impacts.
These are some of the issues the union is focusing on:
Working from home
Many companies are allowing increased work from home. It’s become a more sensitive issue, as children are sent home from school, and we are hearing more concerns about elder care. We commend the many media companies that are finding ways to accommodate work and family life for all employees including temporary and part time workers.
Many workers are being asked to self isolate. The CMG is monitoring this to ensure workers have adequate sick time and are not penalized or adversely affected by a decision to stay home to protect the heath of colleagues and the workplace.
Many workplaces have implemented a no-travel policy, and the CMG continues to advocate for other measures like increased cleaning, personal protective equipment and worker distancing.
Members should know the CMG has received a commitment from employers for more frequent and more detailed communication. We know how deeply anxious many members are, and the significant impact this crisis is having on families. We encourage members to actively use Employee Assistance Programs.
If there questions, as always we are here to help: contact your CMG Staff Rep.
Carmel Smyth, National President, Canadian Media Guild