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Do you see yourself as a future CBC CMG Leader? Apply for a Presidents’ Council Scholarship

Calling all future CBC CMG leaders!

The CBC Branch of the CMG is accepting applications for 10 scholarship recipients to attend the CBC CMG Presidents’ Council at Bayview Wildwood Resort in Port Stanton, Ontario on May 24-26, 2024.

Applications may come from any member in good standing of the CMG at CBC, who aspires to take on leadership roles within the CMG in their locations or across the country, and who is not already attending the Presidents’ Council meeting as a CMG leader.

Previous scholarship recipients have described their Presidents’ Council experiences as formative. In the time after their first Presidents’ Council, scholars have moved into leadership roles within the CMG and other parts of the labour movement.

Applications should be addressed to the CBC Branch President Naomi Robinson. Your application must be recommended by two CMG members in good standing at the CBC.

Please provide the following information in the letter:

  1. Your full name, job title and work location
  2. Describe your current involvement with CMG committees and activities, other volunteer work, or outside labour movement activities.
  3. Where do you see your union volunteerism heading in the future? What future CMG roles do you aspire to?
  4. What do you hope to learn by attending the CBC CMG Presidents’ Council?

Please send your application, and supporting letters from your seconders to naomi.cmgto@gmail.com by Monday, March 11, 2024.

Looking forward to hearing from future union leaders!

Your CBC Branch Executive Committee

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