Dear fellow CMG members,
Soon, there will be an election within our wider international union and we can participate, individually, as Canadian Media Guild (CMG) members.
Most CMG members are eligible to vote in the election of the next president of the NewsGuild-CWA. In order to be eligible to vote, a member would need to have been in good standing (dues-paying) as of September, October or November 2018.
The NewsGuild-CWA election will involve two candidates, Bernie Lunzer and Jon Schleuss.
Important note if you want to vote
Individual paper ballots are going to be mailed to CMG members at our home addresses.
If you believe that the CMG national office may not have a record of your current home mailing address, please help our office correct your contact information by end-of-day this upcoming Tuesday, March 12.
Because ballots are being mailed to members’ home addresses, your mailing address is required for you to participate in the vote.
Please email any address corrections to CMG staffer Glenn Seymour at
How we are connected to NewsGuild-CWA
The Canadian Media Guild is a union local comprised of over 5000 media workers at APTN, The Canadian Press and PMNA, CBC/Radio-Canada, Thomson Reuters, TFO, TVO, Vice Media, and ZoomerMedia, among other valuable media organizations.
We work across all available media platforms and we are linked to the larger labour movement through the Canadian component (CWA/SCA Canada) of our wider international union, the Communications Workers of America (CWA).
CMG is also situated within the CWA through the NewsGuild-CWA, a sectoral body comprised of most media workers within the wider union. Within the NewsGuild-CWA, members of the Canadian Media Guild make up about twenty percent of the membership.
This upcoming election relates to the NewsGuild-CWA.
More about the election
You can learn more about the election and the candidates thorough these resources:
Via CWA Canada: Spring election sees two candidates vying for presidency of NewsGuild-CWA
Via NewsGuild-CWA: 2019 TNG Presidential Election
Again, if you want to vote in this election, and you believe that the CMG national office may not have a record of your current home mailing address, please help our office correct your contact information by end-of-day this upcoming Tuesday, March 12.
Please email any address corrections to CMG staffer Glenn Seymour at
With best wishes, in solidarity,
Kamala Rao
President, Canadian Media Guild
Local 30213, CWA Canada, NewsGuild-CWA (Communications Workers of America)