The Guild at aptn will hold a General Meeting for all members on Thursday November 25, following the News and Operations Training Day. It will be an opportunity for members to engage in an open dialogue. The meeting will start at 5 pm at the Radisson Hotel in Downtown Winnipeg, in the Portage Room at 5:00 pm.
Items to be discussed include (but not limited to):
1 – The Merging of the Editorial and Operations Units into one with the signing of a new Collective Agreement. Both Agreements expire on April 24, 2011 and the bargaining committee would like hear from members on any concerns you may have as well as any ideas about how to improve our current agreements.
2 – The aptn Branch Executive is looking for more member participation to improve the lines of communication across the country between the membership and the executive, and to make our Guild more effective. The aptn Executive would like to have a Steward from each bureau and will discuss this in more detail at the meeting.
3 – The new aptn Executive has been acclaimed for the term commencing January 1st. The President-Elect, Vince Proteau, would like to address the membership and open a discussion on the direction of the new Executive.
4 – The aptn Branch Executive will introduce our “Take A Break” Campaign to the Membership.
Appetizers and refreshments will be provided at the meeting. We hope to see you there!
Allan Mckay
Derek Christianson
Bruce Spence
Vincent Proteau