The CBC and the Canadian Media Guild met in Port Credit, Ontario, the week of July 5 to discuss the staffing and ongoing job-assignment process. The two parties discussed their respective interests and agreed that things could be better. The Corporation has agreed to come up with a process to allow employees to express an interest in new assignments. This new process should be in place by the end of September. The two parties agree that assignment is a process that affects individuals, whose skills and expertise are matched to the work that needs to be done. This process will include a conversation between the CBC and the employee that clearly defines the work and its requirements, why the employee has been selected for the assignment, and the duration of the assignment, if it is known. Such a conversation will be timely, and the individual will be treated with respect and dignity. The entire document is attached.
Principles to guide the application of staffing and an employee`s ongoing assignment:
– Assignment is a process with a primary focus of matching people to the work that needs to be done, taking into consideration the requirements of the role, as well as an individual’s skills, experience and overall contribution to the company.
> Assignment is an individual process and the responsibility to match people and work must be taken seriously.
> The parties recognize there are limitations on resources that may have an impact on assignment.
> Every effort will be made to respect and maintain the nature of an employee’s work and level of responsibility.
– Assignment decisions are driven by strategic and operational needs and must be well considered for the company to be successful.
> Assignments are not arbitrary and will be made in the context of future direction, both for the company and the individual.
> Some assignments may be based on more subjective criteria than others but should be balanced with objectivity, particularly when the assignment decision is based in fact (e.g. audience research)
– The parties recognize the value of an assignment process that is transparent and fair. A workforce that perceives it has been dealt with fairly and openly is more productive and works better together.
> A transparent process allows employees to express interest in available assignment opportunities. This benefits both the company and the employee because it provides an opportunity for the employer to become better informed of an employee’s skills and interests, to consider the employee’s career path and to provide feedback.
> A fair process requires as consistent an approach as possible. That means that any employee who is reassigned should reasonably expect a high quality conversation (see below) about the reassignment with clearly defined reasons.
– The parties commit to addressing in a collaborative way any assignments that are perceived to be unfair.
– Assignment processes must be clear, efficient and effective and include efforts to consider skills, experience and expertise.
– Available tools for matching people to work are assignment, posting of vacancies, hiring on contract, and appropriate training and development to allow employees to succeed at their work.
– The company commits to the creation of a process, in consultation with the union, that allows employees to express interest in available assignment opportunities. This process will be in place by September 30, 2010.
– Any conversations concerning assignment should be of high quality. This means that assignment conversations will:
> Treat the individual with respect and dignity
> Appreciate the skills, experience and expertise the employee brings to the work
> Clearly define the work and its requirements
> Clearly define why the employee has been selected for the assignment
> Clearly define the duration of the assignment, to the degree to which it is known
> Occur in a timely fashion