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Hundreds of fans support CBC/Radio-Canada at concert in Moncton

Moncton 10 Janvier 2015
Hundreds of fans rallied to show their support for CBC at a concert in Moncton this weekend. Close to eight hundred people packed the Capitol hall in Moncton, sharing their appreciation for the crucial role CBC/Radio-Canada plays in supporting French/Acadian culture and music.

Moncton 14 Janvier 2015
The event was organized by a pro-CBC citizens group,  Tous Amis de Radio-Canada (All Friends of CBC), and featured about a  dozen popular groups and performers, including:

-Donat Lacroix
-Viola Léger
-Pascal Lejeune
-Les Hay Babies
-Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire
-Michel Thériault
-Caroline Savoie
-Danny Boudreau
-Radio Radio

Moncton 11 Janvier 2015




This is just the latest in a series of public concerts/rallies to support the public broadcaster. More events are scheduled including a February event in Montreal, and a March concert in Ottawa.
We will keep you posted with further details. Merci beaucoup à toutes et à tous !

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