Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Labour Arts – Nominate a colleague for Mayworks’ Min Sook Lee Awards/ Win Film Tickets

Labour Arts – Nominate a colleague for Mayworks’ Min Sook Lee Awards/ Win Film Tickets

You can nominate a colleague for Mayworks’ 3rd annual Min Sook Lee Awards in the below categories. Former CMG member Bill Gillespie was a winner last year with Made in The USA about Tim Hudak.

-Labour Unions who have used the arts to engage their membership in different ways. For example unions might have used artistic methods in strike preparations or on picket lines or campaigns.

-Labour Activists who have used the arts to promote the values of the labour and social justice movements

-Artists who have captured the values of the labour and social justice movements in their art

-Outstanding Contribution to the Labour Movement those who have captured the values of the labour and social justice movements in their art or through their activism over many years

All info here

You can also win tickets to The Toronto South African Film Festival

Be among the first 10 people to email bloch.joshua@gmail.com, and you might win a free ticket to *Behind the Lens *and to* Miners Shot Down

Film Descriptions below:

*Behind The Lens – 1:00 p.m., Sunday,  November 2nd, Jackman Theatre AGO

-When the struggle for democracy intensified during the 1980s, South African photographers covering the front-lines frequently found themselves targeted by the police, shoulder-to-shoulder with their civilian comrades. Behind The Lens focuses on eight such veterans who saw themselves as activists first and photojournalists second ? accompanied by a breathtaking gallery of their iconic images.

*Miners Shot Down – 8:30 p.m., Saturday, November 1, Jackman Theatre AGO (there will be a Q & A with the director following the screening)

-In August 2012, mineworkers in one of South Africa’S biggest platinum mines began a wildcat strike for better wages. Six days later the police used live ammunition to brutally suppress the strike, killing 34 and injuring many more. Using the point of view of the Marikana miners, Miners Shot Down follows the strike from day one, showing the courageous but isolated fight waged by a group of low-paid workers against the combined forces of the mining company Lonmin, the ANC government and their allies in the National Union of Mineworkers.


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