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Labour Day message from CWA Canada President Martin O’Hanlon

Dear fellow CWA Canada members,

As we march for the first time in three years this Labour Day, we raise our voices in support of quality jobs, quality journalism, a vibrant free press, a strong, independent labour movement, and racial, economic, and social equality.

Press freedom in particular remains a major concern as journalists are under assault in countries around the world – and here in Canada.

While in many countries our colleagues are targeted by despotic governments, the problem in Canada comes mainly from right-wing trolls. Many journalists, especially women and people of colour, continue to receive vile sexist and racist comments and threats on social media.

Journalism is a pillar of democracy. If journalists feel threatened doing their jobs, important stories may go untold, and democracy is undermined.

This harassment and hate must not be tolerated. We have been working with journalism groups, the labour movement, academics, and employers to stop the campaign of hate.

Last February, our coalition released Poisoned Well, an important report by the CAJ and CJF that found online hate is damaging journalists and democracy.

And on Thursday, we sent a letter to authorities urging new measures to protect journalists and crack down on online hate and harassment.

As we keep up our fight for journalism, we also join our sisters and brothers in the labour movement in the broader struggle for fairness, justice, and equality.

The Canadian Labour Congress has an ambitious plan for post-COVID recovery that focuses on making life more stable and affordable, and fighting for social justice, climate action, equality, and diversity.

This Labour Day, we commit to working harder than ever for a better Canada for all.

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