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My upcoming Toronto- Montreal bike rally to help people with Aids

By Louis–Philippe Deslauriers, CMG member

Dear CMG friends,

My name is Louis-Philippe Deslauriers and I am a CMG member working at TFO, in Toronto. I wanted to let you know that I have decided to join 400 other people to participate in the 15th annual PWA’s Friends For Life bike rally this coming summer, in support of people with Aids.

 The Rally and the cause:

On July 28th 2013, we will be cycling more than 600 KM from Toronto to Montreal, during six days to support the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation (PWA).

Since 1987, PWA has been helping men, women and children who are affected by HIV/AIDS. PWA is a community-based non-profit registered charitable organization.

As with any event of this kind, I need to raise money. Two of my good friends, Robert Wilkinson and Shannon Dickens (see photo), and I have decided to unite our strenghts by creating a team to raise no less than $7500.

cycling realnessOur team is called ”Cycling Realness”.

I thought I’d ask your support as fellow CMG members to support our cause. As I like to say, ”HIV/AIDS has one quality… it will never discriminate anyone, it can attack everyone”.

How you can contribute: 

We made it really simple for people to help us. We created a secure web page on which you can donate money.  www.cyclingrealness.com. Just click on the ”Sponsor me” button on the up left corner of the page.

You’ll also get a tax receipt.

If you wish to follow our amazing journey, you can follow my team’s facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/groups/457791944289230/

Here’s just a few examples of what your important donation can do:

• $200 supplies a family for one week with groceries (Food Bank),

• $70 provides a massage once a week to a PHA suffering from neuropathy,

• $45 buys a 2-month supply of glutamine (helps alleviate wasting),

• $35 buys 1 week of meals (Food For Life Program),

• $30 buys 1 bottle of vitamins.

Thank you so much for your support and looking forward to keeping you posted with our wonderful journey!

As long as there is a reason, there’s a ride



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