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Negotiations Town Hall Tonight

The final scheduled week of negotiations towards a new collective agreement begin next Tuesday, February 20.  We have concluded most of the discussions on workplace issues, so the focus will now be on compensation. Please join us for a zoom town hall tonight at 19:00 EST to let the bargaining team know what matters to you.

We need your support to show a united workforce that is deserving of a fair deal.  To that end, we ask that you wear something green in solidarity with the bargaining team, and share a picture with the hashtag #CMGatCBC or share some of the CMG designs found in this shared folder.  Remember that it is not against any policy or code of conduct to associate with your trade union, and it’s key right now for us to show some pride.

Now is the time for us to address inequities in our pay structures and demand a fair wage increase.  We’ve dutifully carried the public broadcaster since 2009 on 1.5% wage increases, which have led to an erosion of our real earnings in the past few years of rampant inflation.  We work at CBC because we care about its mandate, but need more to keep up.

On another note, our hearts go out to colleagues at Bell Media, who suffered drastic cuts last week, and we stand in solidarity with those affected, – they deserve better.  Canada needs more trusted news sources, not fewer, and the loss of so many voices will be acutely felt by many in all corners of our country.

In Solidarity,

CMG Bargaining Team at CBC/Radio-Canada, Faith Fundal
Kat McMorrow
Saïda Ouchaou
Jagjit Panesar
Pauline Pemik
Jane Robertson
Naomi Robinson
Jonathan Spence
Matt Douglas, Sr. CMG Staff Rep
Marianne Malo Chenard, CMG Staff Rep

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