Canadian Media Guild members at Alliance Atlantis have ratified the new collective agreement. In a vote held January 7, nearly 97% of the voters approved the agreement. A total of 84% of the members of the bargaining unit cast a ballot. We would like to thank you once again for your support and solidarity over the past year and a half.
The new agreement is now in effect. Until the document has been fully edited and printed, the version on the CMG website is the official text.
Dues of 1.55% of earnings will be automatically collected from your pay. However, the Guild will not be collecting dues on the 3% retroactive salary increase, nor on the January payment in lieu of bonus.
Now that the deal has been done, the next phase is to ensure the agreement is respected. All of us will have to work to make sure that the collective agreement becomes more than just words on paper.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of us, or any member of the CMG executive.
Your bargaining committee:
C. Masaaba Mwambu
Tom Rudman
Michelle Smith
Keith Maskell, CMG staff representative