Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Nominations for Guild elected positions open until October 11

Nominations for Guild elected positions open until October 11

This is just a reminder that nominations are still open for all Guild positions at the national, branch and location unit levels. The deadline is 5 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, October 11. Voting will take place in early December.

You can see all the positions that are available and find out who’s already thrown their hat into the ring. For positions at the national level click here, and click here for positions on the branch executive councils.

Members at CBC/Radio-Canada and The Canadian Press will also be electing their location unit executives. Speak to a member of your current executive to find out more about the positions that are available.

Visit our elections portal www.cmg.ca/en/category/elections/ to learn more and to download a nomination form. If you have any questions, please write to keith@cmg.ca or vote@cmg.ca.

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