Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Nominations for Guild elected positions now closed – Latest results

Nominations for Guild elected positions now closed – Latest results

The nomination period for Guild elected positions at the national, branch and location unit levels is now closed.

In addition to the results we announced last week, the following positions have been filled by acclamation:

CBC/Radio-Canada branch:
Director, BC: Jo-Ann Roberts
Director, Small Locations: David Croft

ZoomerMedia branch:
President: Matthew Douglas
Secretary-Treasurer: Robert VanSickle

There will be an election for the following positions:

Director, Education: Allan Gofenko, Gail Young

National Trustee (one position):
Anita Adams, Kerry Adams, Giuseppe D’Ignoti

CBC/Radio-Canada branch:
President: Marc-Philippe Laurin, Jonathan Spence
Treasurer: Kevin Keigher, Gaynette Spafford
Director, Education/Mobilization: Marianne Malo Chenard, Alice Hopton

Voting for these positions will take place in early December. We will be sending out more details in the coming weeks.

You can see a full view of all National Executive Committee and Branch Executive Council the positions and their status by surfing here and here.

As for positions where no candidate has yet stepped forward: under the CMG bylaws, the other members of the executive can either choose to leave the position vacant and share the duties among themselves, or they may appoint someone by consensus.

CBC and CP members only: For results of the nomination process in your location, please speak to a member of the current CMG executive or contact the Guild office at vote@cmg.ca

Many thanks to all those who are participating in the democratic process!

Keith Maskell
Staff Representative
on behalf of the Guild’s national Elections Committee:
Nicole Gauthier
Marc Jubinville
Jon Soper, chair

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