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Nominations open for positions on PMNA location unit executive

The positions of President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer for the PMNA Location Unit at the Canadian Media Guild (CMG) are now open.
Nominations are therefore being accepted for these three positions. The mandate for these roles ends with the current term on December 31, 2018.

All members in good standing of the PMNA Location Unit, which is part of the Canadian Press Branch of CMG, are eligible to be nominated for these three positions.

You can read about the duties of Location Unit executive committee members here.

If you’re interested in running, or in nominating someone else, please click here to download the nomination form.

The candidate(s), nominator(s) and seconders must all be CMG members in good standing.

The deadline for receipt of completed application forms is Thursday, May 3 at 5 p.m.

Please submit nomination forms electronically or in person to the Election Committee – Anna Maxymiw ([email protected]) and Sara Burnside Menuck ([email protected])

If there are several candidates for one position, an election will be held, and the dates for any necessary election will be set following the close of nomination period on May 3.

For questions, please write to Glenn Seymour, CMG Elections Coordinator at [email protected].

The Canadian Media Guild is comprised of over 5000 media workers at AFP, APTN, The Canadian Press, CBC/Radio-Canada, Corus, PMNA, Thomson Reuters, TFO, TVO, Vice Media, and ZoomerMedia, as well as other media organizations.

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