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Performance management and staff development process: a message from CBC and CMG

The 2008/2009 objective-setting process is now underway. As you’ll recall, the collective agreement between the CMG and CBC established a performance management and staff development (PMSD) program to promote excellence at every level of the organization. Achieving this excellence can be accomplished through a positive transparent performance management process?one that facilitates open communication between employees and supervisors and helps you grow and develop in your role.

Designed to ensure that you understand what is expected of you in your current position or assignment and what job standard and objectives you need to meet to succeed, PMSD reflects our shared commitment to creating a program that works for both employees and the CBC.

Under section 39.2.1 of the agreement, the objectives of PMSD are to:
? Provide individual performance planning
? Provide constructive feedback
? Enhance the effectiveness, objectivity and consistency of the process

The CBC and CMG jointly support this process. Our success is dependent on people who are clear about what is expected of their role, get regular feedback on how they are performing, understand what they contribute to CBC’s priorities, and receive the support they need to achieve their potential.

If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of this process, please don’t hesitate to contact your local HR department or CMG representative.

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