The CBC and the CMG are jointly committed to improving the Performance Management and Staff Development Program. But, in order to improve the program we need to confirm what is, and is not, working. English Services managers have had an opportunity to provide input via a survey conducted this past December. Now, the National Joint PMSD Committee is seeking input from CMG members.
The first phase will consist of discussion groups and one-on-one interviews with individuals across the country to identify strengths and weaknesses of the PMSD process as it has existed. A relatively small sample group of members will be chosen at random and invited to participate in this phase, which will be conducted by CBC’s Research Department.
This will be followed by the second phase, an online survey based on the questions and concerns identified in phase one. A much larger group of CMG members (about 1500) will be asked to participate in the survey. An outside firm has been contracted for this work and invitations to participate will also be through random selection.
Results from the survey will be used by the National Joint PMSD Committee to pinpoint areas where improvement in the process can be made, so we can try and make the process more useful and meaningful for all involved. Participation in the discussion groups and surveys is optional, but the process can only be improved if we have a clear picture of what the concerns are. Individual responses will be kept confidential. Only the summary data will be shared.
The Research Department will be inviting individuals to participate in the one-on-one interviews. If you receive an invitation, we encourage you to take part.
For more information, please contact any member of the committee.
Johanne Doucet
Martin Marcotte
Beno?t Quenneville
Saira Gangji
The Guild:
Harry Mesh
Barbara Saxberg
Michael Tymchuk
Rick Warren