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Please participate in aptn job description review

We hope you’ve seen the announcement today from aptn HR announcing the beginning of the Job Description review. The Guild and aptn management agreed on the review during our last round of bargaining for a new collective agreement.

We urge you to participate fully in the project.

A review is the best way to find out if the existing job descriptions fit with all the various tasks you’re actually doing. It also helps us compare with other broadcasters and determine whether the wage rates for each position properly reflect the value of the actual jobs you are doing.

The Guild has agreed to the protocol for reviewing the jobs, which is outlined in the memo management sent today. We expect the review to wrap up by January 2012. We will not agree to the new job descriptions until members have seen the contents and agree that they are accurate.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your staff representative Terri Monture (terri@cmg.ca) at 1-800-465-4149, ext. 245.

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