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Posted Schedules and Vacation Leave schedules

We have had a number of inquiries about how article 63 of the CBC/CMG Collective agreement dealing with scheduling and posting of schedules.  There is a misconception that the Corporation only needs to provide individual employees with their own work schedule.

However, this is not true.

Article 63 of the CBC/CMG Collective agreement dealing with scheduling and posting of schedule is intended to provide employees with a view of what they and their colleagues will be doing in the next couple of weeks and a transparent means of ensuring that they are being scheduled/assigned equitably and that the scheduling rules under article 63 are being applied properly.  The posted schedule should be convenient to where you physically work.  This applies as much to employees reporting to another city or place (for example working in Ottawa and reporting to Montreal).  The article requires that if an entirely electronic scheduling system is implemented, all employees must have access to the system as well as access to the full posted schedule and the ability to see any and all changes made to the schedule from the time it was officially posted.  You should not have a reduced ability to review the schedules under an electronic scheduling system than with a posted paper schedule.

We have also received inquiries about the posting of vacation leave schedules. Once again, all employees must have access to a full posted annual leave schedule. Employees must be allowed the opportunity to confirm for themselves that their seniority rights as they pertain to annual leave requests have been observed. Article 68.5 requires management to post the vacation schedule by April 30th for the summer period and by October 31st for the winter period.

If either of these requirements is not being met in your area or location, you should discuss it with your local union representative immediately.

Marc-Philippe Laurin
CBC Branch President
On behalf of the CMG National Joint Committee

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