Do you know of someone who has given exceptional service to their colleagues through their work with the Canadian Media Guild or in the broader labour movement? If so, nominate that person for an award!
The CBC Branch President’s Award will be presented to a CMG member for exceptional achievement on behalf of CMG members (or the labour movement in general), or for long-term service to the union.
Nominations may come from any CMG member in good standing, and must include an additional two seconders. Please send nominations to [email protected] with the slugline President’s Award, and copy both seconders. The deadline to submit is April 8, 2024. Click here to view the rules and criteria for the award.
Please provide the following information:
- The full name, job title and location of the candidate.
- Describe the exceptional achievement or long-term service of the candidate.
- How has the candidate’s achievement or service benefited CMG members?
- In what capacities/ on what committees have they served the union?
- If relevant, has the person been involved in other labour-related activities outside the CMG?
Presidents Council Scholarships
We are pleased to announce the following members will be attending the CBC Branch Presidents Council in May.
- Joanne Levasseur, Winnipeg, Producer
- Shaun Ryan, Halifax, AP Tech
- Frederique Cyr Michaud, Regina, SRC Producer
- Carl-Eric Cardinal, Nunavut, Videographer
- Elke Semerad, Ottawa, Director/ Producer
- Allie Jaynes, Toronto, Podcast Producer
- Nancy Carlson, Edmonton, Host/ Producer
- George Daliva, Yellowknife, Sr Broadcast Technician
- Justin Chandler, Hamilton, Local Reporter
- Pooja Joshi, Toronto, Scheduler/AP/Producer
- Nicholas Decarie, Fredericton, Media Librarian
- Caroline Ferris, Calgary, Video Editor
- Sheena Goodyear, Toronto, Digital Producer
- Alexandra Angers, Ottawa, SRC AP
- Andrew Parker, Toronto, Radio Producer
Last Day to Vote!
Today is the final day for voting online on ratification of the tentative agreement between CMG and CBC-Radio Canada. If you have not received your email with voting instructions contact [email protected]