Please consider putting your name forward to serve on one of the special union committees below.
To submit your application, go to:
The deadline to apply is Octobre 25, 2023.
CMG Special Environmental Impact Committee
The CMG is looking for 3 members to prepare recommendations to the National Executive Committee (NEC) on reducing its carbon footprint.
The members of the NEC Special Environmental Impact Committee will prepare a recommendation report that includes:
- A summary of CMG’s carbon footprint for year 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- A summary of the efforts the CMG currently makes to reduce its carbon footprint and its paper and plastic waste.
- Three (3) achievable targets for carbon reduction using pre-COVID-19 pandemic data as a benchmark.
- Sustainable methods for achieving those targets taking into consideration CMG overarching mandate of servicing its members.
- Sustainable methods for further reduction of paper and plastic waste during union events and committee meetings.
The committee members will have up to 2 full release days to meet to prepare their report.
The Committee will submit its report to the NEC no later than April 15, 2024.
The mandate of the Committee will end 10 business days after it submits its report to the NEC.
CMG Special Committee on Transphobia
The CMG is looking for 3 members to prepare an action plan to address the need of trans, non-binary, and other gender non-conforming CMG members.
The members of the NEC Special Committee on Transphobia will consult with trans, non-binary, and other gender non-conforming CMG members across Canada.
The Committee will then prepare a report that includes:
- A summary of the information gathered through consultations.
- A summary of the needs of CMG members directly affected by transphobia.
- An action plan to address those needs.
The committee members will have access to a reasonable amount of release days to conduct these consultations and prepare their report.
The Committee will submit this plan to the NEC no later than April 15, 2024.
The mandate of the Committee will end 10 business days after it submits its report to the NEC.
CMG Special Consultative Committee on release days for sitting Branch and Location Unit Officers
The CMG is looking for volunteers to sit on its Special Consultative Committee on release days for sitting Branch and Location Unit Officers.
The mandate of this Committee will be to review the current CMG bylaw 6.12 c):
In addition, CBC Location Units in Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver will have up to one day of work release per week paid by CMG for the Location President, or their designate, to allow them to conduct Location Unit business.
and suggest a bylaw amendment that would take into consideration the following:
- Whereas, currently, Toronto, Vancouver, and Ottawa received, 1 NEC-paid day per week of release, for the local president, (or designate).
- Whereas the enormous task of being a volunteer is proportional to the number of members represented by the local.
- Whereas all members are entitled to equal support from their Union’s elected officials, regardless of location.
- Whereas the amount of work involved in supporting any location unit can be a deterrent to union involvement.
- Whereas union release days should be able to be taken when they are needed by, the president or their designate.
- Whereas the strength of the union is built at the local level.
- And whereas all location should have an amount of union release days based on a formula to ensure fairness between locations and their sizes.
while also ensuring that it does not impose a disproportionate financial impact on the CMG Budget.
This committee will submit its bylaw amendment to the CMG NEC no later than 90 days before the 2025 CMG Convention.
Special President’s Committee to draft a proposal for a CMG Media Studies Scholarship for First Nations, Metis, Inuit and Innu
The CMG is looking for 2 CMG Members who are First Nations, Metis, Inuit or Innu to join CMG’s APTN Branch President, Bruce Spence to draft a proposal for a CMG Media Studies Scholarship for First Nations, Metis, Inuit and Innu.
The proposal will detail:
- Criteria for admissibility to the scholarship
- Criteria for selection of the successful candidate
- Responsibilities of the successful candidate
- Selection committee composition
- Amount of the scholarship
- Name for the scholarship or method of selecting a name for the scholarship
The committee members will have up to 2 full release days to meet, to prepare the proposal.
The committee will submit the proposal to the CMG president no later than April 15, 2024. The proposal will then be submitted to the NEC for approval.
The mandate of the Committee will end 10 business days after it submits its proposal to the NEC.
CMG Special Committee for the 2025 Convention
The CMG is looking for members to sit on the Special Committee for the 2025 CMG Convention.
The mandate of the Committee will be to make the following recommendations to the NEC regarding the Convention:
- A duration including Branch Day(s), Training Day(s) and CMG Convention Day(s) by February 2024.
- Dates and possible venues by April 15, 2024.
- A theme by September 30, 2024.
- Speakers by November 1, 2024.
- Training to be offered to CMG members by November 1, 2024.
- Items or documents to be distributed to members by January 30, 2025.
- A person to chair the bylaw amendments and resolutions portion by January 30, 2025.
- A person to be Master of Ceremonies by February 30, 2025.
- A form of entertainment for the first CMG Day of the Convention by February 30, 2025.
The mandate of this Committee will end 20 business days after the end of the CMG 2025 Convention.
CMG Special Bylaws Review Committee
The CMG is looking for 3 members to sit on its Special Bylaws Review Committee.
The mandate of the Committee will be to review the current CMG bylaws and policies and write a report with recommendations for:
- Bylaw language modifications to better reflect the intent of the convention members who adopted said bylaws.
- Information that must be submitted by members along with any proposed bylaw amendments.
- A process to be used by the CMG Convention Bylaws and Resolution Committee to review bylaw amendment proposals that will have an impact on the CMG budget.
- Possible amendments to ensure that CMG Bylaws conform to the CWA Constitution and the CWA/SCA Canada constitution.
The Committee will draft the needed CMG Bylaw amendments for the above and submit them to the NEC along with their report no later than 90 days before the 2025 CMG Convention.
The mandate of this Committee will end 20 business days after the end of the CMG 2025 Convention.