In an effort to provide as much information as possible on our tentative agreement, we are providing you with links to a plain language explainer document that highlights aspects of the deal – in english and in french.
For those of you who would like to read the full legal document that makes up the tentative agreement, it can be found here on our website in english and in french.
The bargaining team is currently visiting locations across the country this week, meeting in person with as many members as possible to explain the deal and answer questions. Please check with your local union executive to find out exactly where and when they will be in your station.
There are also some virtual town halls set for next week …
SRC Francophone Zoom Town Hall will take place Monday, March 11 at 19:00 EST, in French.
CBC Freelancers can join a Google Meet Town Hall on Monday, March 11 at 15:00 EST or on Tuesday, March 12 at 18:00 EST.
General Membership Zoom Town Hall happens on Tuesday, March 12 at 20:00 EST.
Ratification voting will take place online between March 19 to March 25. When polls open you will be emailed your CMG membership number and a passcode. If you are not receiving emails from CMG, then please send a note to [email protected] to inquire.
We will be in 24 cities or towns in a one week period – all so that we can speak to you in person. Please take some time to come and meet with us when we come to your location.
In Solidarity,
CMG Bargaining Team at CBC/Radio-Canada,
Faith Fundal
Kat McMorrow
Saïda Ouchaou
Jagjit Panesar
Pauline Pemik
Jane Robertson
Naomi Robinson
Jonathan Spence
Matt Douglas, Sr. CMG Staff Rep
Marianne Malo Chenard, CMG Staff Rep