Polls are now open for Canadian Media Guild (CMG) members to vote on the CMG-CBC tentative agreement.
To cast your vote, please go to the CMG online voting system: https://cmg.simplyvoting.com/
You will need your 9-digit CMG member number (Membership ID) in order to vote. CMG member numbers are different than CBC employee numbers.
If you don’t have your CMG number or have misplaced it, please contact [email protected] and it will be provided to you.
Members will vote on the following question:
Do you ratify the tentative agreement between the Canadian Media Guild and CBC/Radio-Canada?
The online ballot box will open on Tuesday, March 26 and close on Thursday, March 28 in most time zones.
You can read the full agreement here.
The CMG bargaining committee at CBC:
Sujata Berry
Carolyn Dunn
Stéphany Laperrière
Harry Mesh
Pierre Millette
Pauline Pemik
Naomi Robinson
Jonathan Spence
Olivier Desharnais-Roy, CMG Staff Representative
Karen Wirsig, CMG Staff Representative