We are encouraging you to bring your unique experience to the national consultation launched by the CRTC on the future of television in Canada, Let’s Talk TV/ Parlons télé.
The CMG has long participated in CRTC proceedings, focusing on how to ensure quality Canadian programming gets made and is accessible to Canadians; emphasizing the importance of local programming and the need for financial and regulatory support for it; and fighting for a diversity of editorial and creative voices in our media system. The union has always sought to represent the broad interests of CMG members and to fight for meaningful work in the industry.
Now you have a turn to speak with your unique voice about what is most important to you, as a media worker, a citizen and part of the media audience in Canada.
You have until November 22 to weigh in. Here are the questions the CRTC is asking:
-What do you think about what’s on television?
-What do you think about how you receive television programming?
-Do you have enough information to make informed choices and seek solutions if you’re not satisfied?
You can participate individually online, by email, phone, fax or mail. There is also an invitation to organize discussion groups and report back by January 10, 2014.
Industry “stakeholders”, including the Guild, will have a chance to weigh in next spring before a fall 2014 public hearing.
We’ll keep you updated as this year-long CRTC review unfolds.