Staff Rep Changes

After 36 years working at the CBC and at the Canadian Media Guild, Glenn Gray is leaving.  A long-time union staff rep, Glenn  worked at the CBC for years before becoming a union activist. He joined the CMG as a staff representative in the late 90s when CUPE merged with the CMG.  A staunch defender of worker rights, and early advocate of equality and promoting respect in the workplace, Glenn has earned a reputation as a dedicated, conscientious and articulate rep. We have relied on his legal and  interpretive background in negotiating many of the progressive clauses in the CBC’s collective agreements over the years.

“Glenn’s integrity and dedication over the years contributed in moving us into an innovative form of bargaining. He was a key factor to its success. Tough when he had to be, but always thoughtful,  Glenn never lost sight of the end goal: Serving  members best,” said Marc-Philippe Laurin, CMG President at CBC. “On behalf of all CMG members at CBC, and especially those he helped along the way, I wish Glenn the best and a well-deserved retirement.”

Glenn enjoys  the respect of his colleagues and peers, and leaves the CMG a legacy of hard work and good service. He will be missed. I know you all join us in wishing Glenn well.

Another long time CMG rep will be taking over Glenn’s work. Keith Maskell ( 416-524-9285) joins Bruce May ( and Gabi Durocher for bilingual service, ( in servicing CBC Toronto.

CMG general office 416-591-5333.

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