Home / Workplace Directory / Vice Media / Stephanie Rewjakin acclaimed as VICE Branch’s Quebec Director – Two candidates for VP position

Stephanie Rewjakin acclaimed as VICE Branch’s Quebec Director – Two candidates for VP position

As of the close of the nomination period on Friday, February 16 at 5 p.m., ET we received one nomination for the role of Quebec Director, Canadian Media Guild (CMG) at Vice Canada.  Therefore, Stephanie Rewjakin is acclaimed as the new Quebec Director for our Branch.

You can read about the duties of Branch executive committee members here.

Two candidates for VP Branch position

The nomination period is closed, and there are two candidates for the role of CMG Vice-President at Vice Canada. In alphabetical order:

– Manisha Krishnan

– Javiera Quintana

The successful candidate will be elected to serve until the current term ends in December 2019.

The campaign period begins now, and members will be able to vote for the nominee of their choice from Wednesday, March 14 to Thursday, March 15, 2018.

We will be using our online voting system.

You’ll need to know your nine-digit CMG member number; if you don’t know it or have misplaced it, please write vote@cmg.ca.

More information will be sent in the coming days, including candidates’ profiles, and the voting process details.

Questions? Write to Glenn Seymour, CMG Elections Coordinator at gs@cmg.ca

The Canadian Media Guild is a democratic trade union that’s comprised of over 5000 members across Canada, including employees at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/ Société Radio-Canada, The Canadian Press and Pagemasters North America, Thomson Reuters, the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, TVO, TFO, Corus, VICE media, Zoomer TV, AFP, in private radio, as well as media freelancers

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