Seven full weeks of bargaining have garnered a tentative deal between the Canadian Media Guild and CBC- Radio Canada. The CMG Bargaining Team was still going back and forth with CBC management early this morning to come out with a fair deal for members.
We have made some positive changes that we want to share with you. With an increased cost of living, financial uncertainty at the CBC, and looming job cuts, we’ve been challenged to negotiate under these pressures. As is the case with most collective bargaining outcomes, incremental improvements are the norm.
We are working to get this tentative agreement ready for you to consider. All active CBC Members will have the opportunity to vote to accept the deal, or demand better. We want to thank everyone from coast to coast to coast for showing their “green” support for us. It was very important to have you with us in spirit as discussions of compensation began. It was gratifying to see so many people wearing green, sharing green baked goods, and amplifying the message online

We will set up ratification meetings in your location in the near future. Stay tuned for further information soon.
In Solidarity,
CMG Bargaining Team at CBC/Radio-Canada,
Faith Fundal
Kat McMorrow
Saïda Ouchaou
Jagjit Panesar
Pauline Pemik
Jane Robertson
Naomi Robinson
Jonathan Spence
Matt Douglas, Sr. CMG Staff Rep
Marianne Malo Chenard, CMG Staff Rep