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Training Grant Renewed

In line with our commitment to offer training opportunities for members, we want to highlight the following training options available to all CMG members:

$ 250 Training Grant

Every year, CMG’s parent union, CWA Canada, budgets money for education and mobilization so that union members can be provided with opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills, or to become more involved in the union.

Last year, due to the pandemic, Locals such as CMG were not able to provide in-person education, training, or events, so it was decided to use the budget to offer 50 members up to $500 each for education or training courses (university, community college, online, or the like).

The project was a great success with about 100 applicants, the first 50 of whom received grants.

Because of the tremendous interest, CWA Canada is renewing the project this year but reducing the grant to $250 so that more members can benefit.

This year, 80 grants are available, and they will again be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. All requests must be submitted by Dec. 31, 2021.

If you applied for the $500 grant but were not approved because the maximum amount budgeted was reached, there is no need to apply again, you will be first in line for the $250 grant. To apply for the grant, email CWA Canada Office Co-ordinator, Marj Botsford at mbotsford@cwacanada.ca.

Please provide your name, personal email address, a contact number, the name or number of your Local (The Canadian Media Guild is CWA Canada Local 30213), the name of the course and institution, and a one-line description of the course.

Once approved, you can register for your course, and you will just need to send in proof of payment to be reimbursed to a maximum of $250.

Member access to LinkedIn Learning

A reminder that CMG members are also entitled to free registration for any of the thousands of online courses offered by LinkedIn Learning.

To access this service:

1) Go to the CWA website.
2) Fill out the form at the bottom of the page, including your Local number (The Canadian Media Guild is CWA Canada Local 30213).

Note: You don’t need your membership number. In a few days you should get an email giving you access to a LinkedIn Learning account. It is valid until the end of 2021 and can be renewed on a yearly basis.


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