Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Our condolences on the tragic death of journalist Arman Soldin

Our condolences on the tragic death of journalist Arman Soldin

Dear CMG members at AFP,

Your fellow Canadian Media Guild members join you as you mourn the tragic loss of journalist Arman Soldin, your Agence France Presse colleague killed in rocket fire in eastern Ukraine.

Our condolences go to his family, friends and colleagues.

At a time when AI and deep fakes are eroding the credibility of news reporting, the role of journalists who work on the ground in conflict zones as eyewitnesses to reality is that much more essential.

Journalists like Arman Soldin do this work at great risk to themselves so that the world may learn the full reality of a conflict. We are forever grateful to him.

The Guild will be donating in Arman’s name to a charity of the AFP Branch member’s choosing. Please let us what your preference would be by emailing me at annick@cmg.ca.

In solidarity,

Annick R. Forest
Canadian Media Guild

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