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We need you on a national Guild committee

Share your energy, enthusiasm and intellect with your union! Volunteering on a national committee can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, plus you get to help shape the activities of the union. Most committees hold phone calls every few months, and might meet in-person (usually in Toronto) once a year.

We look forward to your input, and welcome a diversity of opinions and experiences.

Here are the committees we are seeking to fill:

1. Equity and Human Rights: Work on ideas and ways to prevent discrimination at work, promote positive attitudes and make everyone feel welcome, valued and included.

2. Advocacy:  Share your ideas for promoting positive public perceptions of journalism, media, unions and social justice issues, including examining political issues that affect CMG members and their employers (CBC, The Canadian Press, Freelance, TVO, TFO, Thomson Reuters, Shaw Media, Private Radio, ZoomerMedia and the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network).

3. Communications:  Help us develop effective strategies for sharing information and stories about the work of the union and for improving our connection with members across the country.

4. Francophone affairs: connect French-speaking members of the Guild with each other, enhancing the solidarity between the various branches in which they work, and ensure their rights are respected within the union and in their workplaces.

5. New Members:  The media business has never been tougher for people starting out. Share your ideas for helping improve the lives and prospects of new Guild members. This includes discussions on mentoring, education and networking.

6. Grants & Donations:  The union donates money to members in crisis and responds to outside appeals for support. In addition, we are sometimes asked to sponsor professional conferences/workshops that promote media or social justice issues.  Help shape our policy of caring for the community.

7. Investment:  Do you have financial and/or investment expertise and experience? Share your knowledge and passion by joining the Guild’s investment committee. This committee uses ethical investment guidelines to manage our portfolio.

8. Elections: Help make democracy work better.  If you are interested in politics and the democratic process, we need you. This committee ensures all union elections are open and transparent and works to encourage  as many members as possible to run for union office.

We need you! Please send a note to [email protected] by Friday January 31 with: your name, where you work, the committee(s) you’d like to join, and why you’re interested.

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