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Your Guild executive and stewards at TVO

In addition to a three-member branch executive, the CMG TVO branch has three union stewards. Full contact information for the executive and stewards is below.

The executive consists of President Gregg Thurlbeck (Big Ideas), Vice-President Stavros Rougas (The Agenda) and Secretary Becky Fong (Allan Gregg). The stewards are Erica Balch (tvo.org), Daniel Bourre (Kids), and Liane Kotler (Current Affairs).

Erica is responsible for The Agenda and tvo.org, Daniel for TVO Kids and Liane for Allan Gregg, documentaries, Big Ideas, promos, acquisitions, SNAM and TVO Parents.

As always you are encouraged to speak with any steward or executive member regardless of whether they are assigned to your area.

For more information, click on the links below:
Role of stewards
Union guide for new members at TVO
TVO CMG webpage (you are here!)

Union Contacts:

President: Gregg Thurlbeck
2123gt@gmail.com, gthurlbeck@tvo.org
416-484-2600 x2123, 416-766-0438 personal
Cubicle: 469A

Vice-President: Stavros Rougas
stavros.rougas@gmail.com, srougas@tvo.org
416 484-2600 x 2512, 647 351-0600 personal
Cubicle: 457B

Secretary: Becky Fong
becky.fong@sympatico.ca, bfong@tvo.org
416 484-2600 x 2759, 416 485-7505 personal
Cubicle: 463A

Erica Balch: Steward (The Agenda, tvo.org)
ejbalch@gmail.com, ebalch@tvo.org,
416 484-2600 X 5511, 905 635-7615 personal
Cubicle: 457E

Daniel Bourre: Steward (TVO Kids)
danielbourre@gmail.com, dbourre@tvo.org
416 484 2600 x 2137, 416 388-9472 personal
Cubicle: 416C

Liane Kotler: Steward (Allan Gregg, documentaries, Big Ideas, promos, acquisitions, SNAM and TVO Parents)
lianevhkotler@hotmail.com, lkotler@tvo.org,
416 762-7788 (home)
416 508-2748 (cell)
416 484-2600 x 2748
Cubicle: 465D

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