Home / Workplace Directory / TVO / Your union, CMG, is starting to negotiate a new collective agreement with TVO

Your union, CMG, is starting to negotiate a new collective agreement with TVO

Dear CMG member,

This fall, we begin bargaining our next collective agreement at TVO. Your CMG bargaining team for these important negotiations includes members Meredith Martin, Colin Ellis, Dave Henning, and Justin Chandler.

We’d like to thank everyone who filled out the bargaining survey. We had our first face-to-face bargaining preparation meeting on July 20th to develop the bargaining proposals. As always, the bargaining committee will use your input to set priorities at the table and will be sharing with TVO how members feel and what issues are most pressing, including expectations about flexible work arrangements, salaries, and benefits

In preparation for bargaining with TVO, CMG will be ordering T-shirts for all branch members. Please click on the hyperlink below, add your name and your preferred size in the short comment box; then simply click on the submit form button. This is an important part of the bargaining process, so if you can do this immediately, it would be greatly appreciated.












If you have any questions regarding the T-shirt, you can contact [email protected]. We will organize a luncheon and distribute the T-shirts when they are ready (hopefully by end of September).

Whether you’re a senior or junior employee, permanent, or temp, we want to make sure you have the best experience you can at work. See you in the fall! 

Meredith, Colin, Dave & Justin

P.S. Get your Membership Card
If you have not yet signed a union card, please do so, so that we have updated contact information: https://www.cmg.ca/en/membership-card/


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