Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Operations employees at Alliance Atlantis to vote on joining the Guild

Operations employees at Alliance Atlantis to vote on joining the Guild

Operations employees at Alliance Atlantis will be required to vote on whether to join the Canadian Media Guild, the Canada Industrial Relations Board has confirmed.

The Guild had requested that the board take a second look at the need for a vote, since a majority of members of the proposed Operations bargaining unit had signed union cards.

No time, date or location has yet been fixed but the vote is likely to take place at or near Alliance Atlantis headquarters on Bloor St. in Toronto. All departments within Operations on Bloor are eligible to participate.

The Guild and Alliance Atlantis must still iron out issues of communication prior to the vote to ensure employees have access to all the facts they need to make an informed decision. That is not expected to take long and it is hoped the vote can be held as soon as practical.

The vote will be secret ballot, supervised by an officer of the CIRB, to guarantee employees can cast their ballots with confidence, knowing that their decision will remain a personal one.

For more information, please call the Guild at 416-591-5333 or Scott Edmonds, Guild vice-president, at (cell) 416-420-6136.

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