VICE colleagues in three countries are now forming unions and negotiating collective agreements. This week, VICE employees in the UK announced they are organizing:
In Canada, we’re continuing to build support for the union so that we can file an application to the labour board. If enough Vice Canada employees sign union cards, the labour board will hold a vote to give employees at Vice the choice of joining the union.
You have an opportunity to be part of a global wave of workers creating better conditions for themselves and for the industry, as one observer wrote last week:
If you haven’t yet made up your mind about it, we urge you to get in touch in total confidence to find out more. If you’re afraid, rest assured that by law no one in management will know who supports the union. Here are answers to a few questions we’ve gotten:
Help make the union you need for the VICE you want. Seize the day!
For more information, or to sign a confidential union card, contact Karen Wirsig, CMG Organizer, Cell: 416-578-1651, Email: [email protected]