What is a resolution and what is a bylaw amendment?

A resolution directs the union to take a position on an issue or undertake a specific task. For example: “Be it resolved that the Canadian Media Guild lobby all federal political parties to support public broadcasting in Canada.”

A bylaw amendment changes the basic rules that the organization has set to govern itself. For example: “I move that bylaw 13.1 be amended to read “…every THREE years or when special circumstances warrant.”

A resolution or a bylaw amendment can be directed to the CMG as a whole, or be directed at a specific branch, for example: The Canadian Press, TVO, tfo or CBC to name a few.

How do I go about proposing a resolution or bylaw amendment?

First, think about what it is you want to do. Determine whether you want the union to do something specific (resolution) or change the way it operates (bylaw amendment).

Then, articulate the proposition as clearly as possible, in writing. That will be the body of your motion.

Think of some simple, basic reasons why you believe your idea is appropriate or necessary. Set that out in one or more simple sentences. These will serve as the introduction or preamble to your motion – the “whereas”, for those of you who have done this before. You don’t need to go into a great deal of detail or flowery language; these sentences serve only to set out the basic rationale for your motion. The preamble isn’t actually part of the resolution or bylaw amendment itself.

When your motion is presented the preamble will come first, followed by the motion.

We’ve developed a form below to help you organize your thoughts and submit your motion to the Resolutions Committees. Once you’ve completed it, click on the “submit” button and your proposed motion will be forwarded to the appropriate committee for review. If the committee finds that the motion needs revision or clarification, you’ll be contacted. Once it’s ready, it will be translated and included in the convention documents package.

Please submit your resolutions or bylaw amendments here: 

Timelines, and passing resolutions and bylaw amendments 

We encourage members to submit their proposed resolutions or bylaw amendments as early as possible. Due to the challenging logistics of holding our first virtual gathering, the NEC has voted on a change to the standard process: for this virtual convention, resolutions cannot be submitted during the convention itself. Only resolutions received by the deadline of April 12, 2021 will be considered. Resolutions will be dealt with in the order they are received and only if time permits. Proposed bylaw amendments and resolutions received by the noted deadline will be circulated to all members by Wednesday, May 12, 2021.

A resolution passes if a simple majority (i.e., more than half of the delegates voting) votes in favour. Bylaw amendments must pass by a two-thirds majority.

Bylaw amendments that deal with dues or with the amending process itself can’t be passed at the convention and must be submitted to a referendum of the full membership.


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