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Roles and Responsibilities of elected Guild officials

Thank you for your interest in how you can contribute to the guild as an elected official.

Elected officials are volunteers within the Guild.  Some may receive an honorarium.  The National President and the CBC Branch President are paid by the Canadian Media Guild on a full-time basis while holding office.

Here is an overview of how guild staff and elected officials work together.


The National Executive Committee (NEC) is the highest executive body of the Canadian Media Guild.  The NEC is made up of table officers elected by the membership at large, Presidents of branches with 50 members or more, CBC Vice-President, Director of Small Branches, Director of Francophone Affairs, Director of Human rights and Equity, and Director of Precarious Workers. Please see the CMG bylaws for detailed descriptions and more information.


Is the chief executive officer of the Canadian Media Guild, responsible for presiding at meetings of the National Executive Committee, chairing Management Committee, developing strategy for future development of the union, and representing the CMG within it’s parent unions. The President supervises the affairs of the CMG, promotes its welfare and presides at meetings, reports on the affairs of the union, signs all official documents and performs all other duties of the president as provided by the CMG bylaws.


Performs the duties of the president in their absence or, if the office falls vacant and any other duties prescribed by the NEC.


Must live within 150 km of Toronto and is responsible for all record-keeping, including accurate minutes of meetings, and the funds of the union. The Secretary-Treasurer, as chairperson of the Finance Committee, prepares an annual budget that includes forecast expenditures of the union, its branches and committees. The Secretary-Treasurer works in conjunction with the branches. The Secretary-Treasurer provides reports on the financial affairs of the union.

Director of Equity and Human rights

Chairs the Equity and Human Rights Committee and promotes the establishment and maintenance of workplaces free from discrimination on the basis of race, gender, disability, religious or political affiliation or activity, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, age or national origin.

Director of Francophone Issues

Ensures that the interests of francophone members of the Guild are represented on the NEC.

Director of Small Branches

Responsible for establishing and maintaining effective communication among branches with fewer than 50 members (with the exception of AFP) and between those branches and the NEC. Represents the wishes of the Branch Executive Councils to the NEC, participate in the work of the NEC. Elected by members of branches with fewer than 50 members.

Director of Precarious Workers

Shall be chairperson of a “temporary workers task force”. The Director shall communicate with and coordinate efforts by the union at all levels on matters related to precarious employment. Must be a member employed as a precarious worker under the CMG jurisdiction within the previous 10 years at the time of nomination.


In many cases, every workplace where there are Guild members is called a branch.  Your most important task as a Guild representative is to be visible and present to the members in your workplace. Members should know who you are and how to reach you if they have questions or concerns. Also, get members involved in Guild activities and in issues that are important to them.  These roles are what you make them – we urge you to be creative! And you will always have the support of the national Guild office and the staff rep(s) assigned to your branch.  Please see the CMG bylaws for detailed descriptions and more information.

Branch President

Communicates with members about news and issues at the workplace or using the tools available at the Guild office.  Welcomes new members to the union; provides them with a collective agreement and lets them know who they should talk to if they need help or have questions. Has them sign a union card and return signed cards to the national office. Holds regular executive meetings.  Organizes events/meetings for members. Shares the tasks among the members of the executive.  Seeks out additional volunteers to help plan events, sit on committees and help members in their department or area as stewards.  Presidents of branches with 50 members or more sit on the National Executive Committee (NEC).

Branch Vice-President

Works closely with the president to ensure the smooth running of the Guild in your workplace.  Fills in for the president when he or she is away.  Sits on the National Executive Committee (CBC only).

Branch Secretary-Treasurer

Is responsible for supervising the financial affairs and maintaining the records of the Guild in your workplace. Prepares an annual budget proposal.  Keeps records and minutes of executive and membership meetings.  Keeps track of the branch or local financial records. At some branches Secretary-Treasurer is split into two separate positions.


The main role of a steward is to make sure there is good communication between the members and the union representatives.  Directors look after specific portfolios.  Click here for more information on being a steward.


The role of the Location Unit is to strengthen the union within the workplace by welcoming and orienting new members to the CMG, developing a network of workplace representatives and furthering communication within the CMG. Please see the CMG bylaws for detailed descriptions and more information.

Location Unit President

Presides at meetings of the Local Executive Committee (LEC), supervises and reports on the affairs of the location unit.  Ensures elected officers attend meetings and that effective communication with the members is maintained. The president also is a member of the unit grievance committee.

Location Unit Vice-President

Fills in for the president when he or she is away.

Location Unit Secretary-Treasurer

Is responsible for supervising the financial affairs of the location unit, establishes and supervises proper accounting procedures for the receipt and disbursement of funds in accordance with these bylaws.


The main role of a steward is to make sure there is good communication between the members and the union representatives.  Directors look after specific portfolios.  Click here for more information on being a steward.


Director of Education and Mobilization

Chairs the Education Committee, and leads discussions on  how to source and deliver training and education to  union activists and members.
Reports to the NEC several times a year.

Director of New Members

Chairs the New Members Committee, and leads discussions on ways to support and encourage young members, union activists and media workers, to improve job possibilities and working conditions and prospects for workers getting started in media. Reports to the NEC.


Trustees work as a team to review CMG policies and financial guidelines to ensure the union is following best practices in all its accounting.


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