“We must now return control of CBC and Radio‐Canada to the people”

We must now return control of CBC and Radio‐Canada to the people. Now, more than ever, we need a strong public broadcaster – a solid and vigorous foundation for information and culture in the digital age.

“We must now return control of CBC and Radio‐Canada to the people” Read More

Three of four national political parties signal commitment to the CBC

The future health and viability of the CBC, as Canada’s public broadcaster, is an issue on which the parties are truly differentiating themselves. Voters have a clear choice on October 19. And even though three of four party leaders have been pleased to talk about it, they don’t get a lot of media attention when they do so.

Three of four national political parties signal commitment to the CBC Read More

A-List of Canadian Rock Stars sign petition, join campaign to Support the CBC

For decades, the CBC’s TV, radio, and online programming, along with other initiatives such as the CBCMusic.ca Festival, have provided a platform for Canadian artists to reach a larger audience. It’s often the first, and sometimes only, outlet that will play their music and conduct interviews for a national audience. It’s a vital part of the music ecosystem in this country.

A-List of Canadian Rock Stars sign petition, join campaign to Support the CBC Read More

Update – Latest round of cuts at CBC introduces new work methods – CMG to defend members’ rights

Our collective agreement requires the employer to provide notice when looking at significant changes with great impact on working conditions, and must consult the union so the two parties can examine the reason and nature of the change, its impact.

Update – Latest round of cuts at CBC introduces new work methods – CMG to defend members’ rights Read More

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