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CBC Freelance 2022 Q1 Education Sessions

Thursday, January 20th – Getting the Most out of your LinkedIn Learning Account

LinkedIn Learning is a resource that contains thousands of training videos to help you learn skills across many disciplines. A personal account is free of charge to you as a member of the Canadian Media Guild. Contact us to find out how to apply.

You’ll get a basic introduction to the learning platform, our presenter will talk about his experience, what he liked and what he’d change. Then he’ll take us through snippets of courses that he thinks are of value to freelancers and do some live searches on topics that participants ask about.

Our Presenter:

Michael Strickland, CFG founding member, is a writer/editor, strategic storyteller, and story coach. He began his career as a print and TV journalist. Today, he freelances stories that capture his interest while at the same time helping others share their strategic stories.

Online: Thursday, January 20th
7pm-8pm Eastern Time
$5 for members
$15 for non-members

The event link is: https://canadianfreelanceguild.wildapricot.org/event-4633065 and the promo code for CBC Freelancers is CBCFL0120.


Thursday, February 3rd: Investing Basics for Freelancers

This co-presented webinar will focus on the two main retirement saving vehicles for freelancers: RRSPs and TFSAs. Helen and Rita will cover the key benefits and also the potential pitfalls of each, including ways to maximize tax efficiency in asset allocation. The 20-30-minute presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

Our Presenters:

Rita Silvan, Chartered Investment Manager, is an award-winning former publishing executive who has held leadership positions in print and digital publications. Her freelance writing has appeared in RBC’s Inspired Investor, The National Post, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, and many more. She’s passionate about personal finance and investing as a means to a happy and self-empowered life.


Helen Burnett-Nichols is a Hamilton, Ont.-based freelance writer with more than15 years of experience covering investment, business, legal and personal finance topics. Her work has appeared in publications such as The Globe and Mail, National Post Legal Post, Golden Girl Finance, Benefits Canada, SAGE Magazine, EY Reporting and Tangerine Bank’s ‘Forward Thinking’ brand. Helen completed the Canadian Securities Course in 2010.

Online: Thursday, February 3rd
7pm-8pm Eastern Time
$5 for members
$15 for non-members

The event link is: https://canadianfreelanceguild.wildapricot.org/event-4633221 and the promo code for CBC Freelancers is: CBCFL0203.


Thursday, March 3rd: Tax Time for Freelancers

From the moment the clock ticked midnight on December 31st your financial affairs, for the most part, of 2021, came to an end. All the receipts and bills and invoices you’ve been throwing into the big shoebox (or however you track your finances) are basically done for the year and it’s time to start the preparation to make your peace with the CRA.

Learn how to navigate the tax return minefield with Shannon Lee Simmons, founder of the New School of Finance. She’ll do a deep dive on eligible deductions from your income, G/HST returns, income from foreign sources and yes, what to do if indeed you end up taking that shoebox full of receipts to a tax professional.


This session is structured with lots of room for questions, and your chances of getting them answered are increased if you send them to CFG Organizer Don Genova in advance.

Online – Thursday, March 3rd
1pm to 2pm Eastern Time
$5 for members
$15 for non-members

The event link is: https://canadianfreelanceguild.wildapricot.org/event-4633397 and the code for CBC Freelancers is: CBCFL0303.


Thursday, March 17th: Understanding Freelance Contracts

This panel will explain common freelance contract clauses and terminology, including the most dangerous clauses freelancers are often asked to agree to when it comes to indemnity and liability. Our panelists will also discuss how to make counteroffers and negotiation tips on language and payment.

Our Panelists (more tba):

As a creative entrepreneur and organization co-founder, Tracey Arial has thirty years of experience dealing with contracts.

Don Genova is the CFG’s organizer and former president of CMG Freelance, where he negotiated contracts with the CBC along with his freelance writing and broadcasting outside of the Corporation. He currently is the Guild’s chief advice-giver when it comes to reviewing contracts for members.


Online: Thursday, March 17th
7pm-8pm Eastern Time
$5 for members
$15 for non-members

The event link is: https://canadianfreelanceguild.wildapricot.org/event-4633273 and the promo code for CBC Freelancers is: CBCFL0317

Don Genova
Organizer, Canadian Freelance Guild
778-265-4363/778-991-4439 (mobile) Pacific Time

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