Online course for young workers and activists – Apply by February 4
Once again this year, CMG is offering young workers in our union a chance to participate in a free online six-week program specifically designed for workers under 30 and offered by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). Young CMG members who took the course last year found the course useful and inspiring.
The course helps younger workers develop skills in leading, building and organizing as well as a better understanding of activism.
The program runs in the evenings each Tuesday and Wednesday from February 24 to April 15, 2015.
Limited space is available for participation in this course, interested candidates should email for more information and to apply.
The deadline is February 4, 2015.
Learn to be a union activist: Federal election preparation workshops starting soon – Apply online
Learn the skills required to be an effective advocate for the CBC and other issues you are passionate about.
Canada’s largest labour organization, the Canadian Labour Congress has social justice and activist workshops CMG members can attend.
These sessions bring together seasoned campaigners and new activists from a wide range of workplaces to share their experiences and learn best practices for effective campaigning – from outreach to social media.
These workshops are free and will be offered across the country over the next weeks and months.
The CMG does not endorse political candidates or parties but advocates for your interests and media issues.
To find out more click here.