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The CMG mourns the Passing of Senator Murray Sinclair

The Canadian Media Guild joins Canadians in mourning the passing of Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, renowned Anishinaabe lawyer, former senator and Manitoba’s first and Canada’s second Indigenous judge.

Also known as Mizhana Gheezhik, “the One Who Speaks of Pictures in the Sky,” the Honourable Justice listened to thousands of survivors of residential schools as Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and issued the TRC report with 94 calls to action for Canadians to address the country’s past.

As part of the TRC 94 calls, three of them, calls 84, 85 and 86 focused on how media could be involved in reconciliation:

84. We call the federal government to restore and increase funding to the CBC/Radio-Canada, to enable Canada’s national public broadcaster to support reconciliation, and be properly reflective of the diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives of Aboriginal peoples, including, but not limited to: i. Increasing Aboriginal programming, including Aboriginal-language speakers. ii. Increasing equitable access for Aboriginal peoples to jobs, leadership positions, and professional development opportunities within the organization. iii. Continuing to provide dedicated news coverage and online public information resources on issues of concern to Aboriginal peoples and all Canadians, including the history and legacy of residential schools and the reconciliation process.

85. We call upon the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, as an independent non-profit broadcaster with programming by, for, and about Aboriginal peoples, to support reconciliation, including but not limited to: i.  Continuing to provide leadership in programming and organizational culture that reflects the diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives of Aboriginal peoples. ii. Continuing to develop media initiatives that inform and educate the Canadian public,and connect Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians. 

86. We call upon Canadian journalism programs and media schools to require education for all students on the history of Aboriginal peoples, including the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal Crown relations.

The Canadian Media Guild is grateful to the Honourable Sinclair for his numerous contributions, including that of leading the change on how media workers covered Indigenous issues, and remains dedicated to working towards Truth and Reconciliation through media work.

On behalf of members and staff, the Canadian Media Guild offers our deepest condolences to the Sinclair family, who grieve the loss of a father and grandfather, to his community who mourns the loss of a great leader and to all Canadians who mourn the loss of a formidable teacher.

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